about me

Buttaflibabee" is a special woman who has over come feelings of insecurities and doubt. Her struggles with weight have been a challenge for her the majority of her life. She went from being obese (over 300 lbs) to a normal sized woman. The blog explores all the complicated feelings that come with such a lifestyle change.

Buttaflibabee has now come into a new phase in her life where she is facing her fears and dysfunctions head on and is learning how to live her intended life. Confessions of a Reformed Fatgirl deals with relationships (romantic and otherwise), finding balance with work and home life, feelings of insecurity and guilt and above all else, attempting to simply find balance for it all.

Confessions of a Reformed Fat Girl is a raw look at life. It gives voice to the average young adult, male and female, married and single, whether an artist or a banker. Everyone can relate to the issues Buttaflibabee faces and her readers will hopefully join her as she achieves emotional growth through her life experiences.

Love & Blessings.
 - Myskeshia "Buttaflibabee" Léon


  1. After reading this section about me, i would never think that you could be possibly insecure about anything. You are such a beautiful and intelligent woman. You are creative and stylish. I formed this opinion by your photo's and the interesting things that you convey. I also have struggled with my weight, i always say i inherited the fat gene from grandma side, LOL. both of my parents are very small, at 12 years old i almost had diabetes. my insecurities would be my forehead. i really hate my forehead and these molds that i have all around my neck. as you may know my dad and granny have them. I am happy that you have resolved your issues, no matter what the out side represents, it is the inside that define you. You must be an awesome person and very loved. Many blessings to you Myskeshia


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